Moreover, Scheme comes with a rich library of list and tree manipulation functions, and a history of contemplating manipulation of those very structures. 另外,Scheme还拥有丰富的列表和树处理函数库,以及专注于处理这些结构的历史。
The rich and powerful Scheme language is wonderful for list manipulation and is easy to understand and grasp. 丰富而强大的Scheme语言极其适用于列表处理,而且易于理解和掌握。
So far, I have discussed several interesting features of lists and list manipulation 至此,我已经讨论了列表和列表操作的一些有趣特性
A language designed for list manipulation 为列表操作设计的语言
This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme. 本文只是一个入门级读物,旨在让您体验了在Scheme等面向列表的语言中列表处理是何等简单。
For links to more in-depth treatments of the basics of linked list manipulation, see the Resources section at the end of this article. 在本文最后的参考资料一节,可以找到更深入介绍基本链表处理的链接。
Now Gome founder Wong Kwong Yu, second-richest on our list last year, is under investigation for stock manipulation. 现在我们去年富豪榜的第二名国美老总王光裕已经涉嫌操纵股市被调查。
And a data structure of generalized list for the representation and manipulation of waveform polynomial. 波形多项式的多项式符号表示和运算的模型以及数据结构,用来实现对波形多项式比较有效的描述和运算。